创建先进的语音应用程序与氖艾未未的实现技术。霓虹灯AI SDK集成了先进的人工智能和自然语言理解成为一个有凝聚力的软件工程平台。认为亚马逊Alexa, Siri谷歌,苹果和微软Cortana——免费的开源软件。他们也有一个人工智能系统Mycroft Mark II列在他们的网站上。Create state-of-the-art voice applications with Neon AI’s enabling technologies. The Neon AI SDK integrates advanced AI and Natural Language Understanding into a cohesive software engineering platform. Think Amazon Alexa, Google Home, Apple Siri and Microsoft Cortana – with free open source software. They also have an AI OS for Mycroft Mark II listed on their website.
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