Moveworks是第一个员工体验平台,使用人工智能在工作中解决问题,避免问题。它会自动解析请求,沟通的变化,并显示您的团队下一步要解决什么——让你沮丧的时刻变成神奇的时刻。因为我们的会话AI (chatbot)超过100种语言,流利Moveworks提供即时帮助世界各地,从总部到内政部。Moveworks is the first employee experience platform that uses AI to solve issues and prevent problems at work. It automatically resolves requests, communicates changes, and shows your team what to fix next — letting you turn moments of frustration into moments of magic. And because our conversational AI (chatbot) is fluent in more than 100 languages, Moveworks delivers instant help around the world, from HQ to the home office.
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