
工具软件2年前 (2023)发布 AI观察员
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OpenAI API 使用各种具有不同功能和成本的 GPT 模型。此外,您可以通过微调对原始基础模型进行微调,以满足您的独特需求。

模型 描述
GPT-4 A collection of models enhancing GPT-3.5’s capabilities to comprehend and produce both natural language and code.
GPT-3.5 A collection of models advancing GPT-3’s abilities to interpret and generate natural language as well as code.
DALL·E A model capable of creating and modifying images based on natural language prompts.
Whisper A model designed to transcribe audio into text.
Embeddings A series of models that transform text into numerical representations.
Moderation A specialized model trained to identify potentially sensitive or harmful text.
GPT-3 A group of models proficient in understanding and generating natural language.
Codex (deprecated) An ensemble of models skilled in interpreting and producing code, including converting natural language into code.

OpenAI 还发布了Point-E、 Whisper 、JukeboxCLIP等开源模型。


在 gpt-3.5-turbo 发布后,OpenAI 的几个模型正在进行持续更新。为了最大程度地降低因模型更改而对用户造成不可预见影响的风险,他们提供的模型版本每三个月保持不变。

随着模型更新频率的增加,公司现在为个人提供提供评估的机会,帮助我们改进各种应用程序的模型。如果有兴趣,请浏览OpenAI Evals存储库。

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